G.R.E.A.T. Foundation, INC.

Building Safer Communities, One Child At a Time

G.R.E.A.T. Foundation, Inc., Making communities safe by investing in proven research and evidence-based prevention techniques that cops teach to help kids avoid gangs and violence.

Building Safe Communities One Child at a Time

The GFI uses funding to support the overall mission and implementation of the G.R.E.A.T. Program.  This support is a direct investment in providing preventive measures and education on the front end to produce quality and productive citizens on the back end.

For every child reached by the G.R.E.A.T. Program through the support of the GFI, the return will be helping to:

  • Lower the levels of youth victimization
  • reduce juvenile delinquent behavior
  • reduce youth/young adult gang involvement or affiliation
  • reduce injury, suicide or death related to bullying
  • provide a safe space for youth during summer school breaks
  • mold a generation to become productive contributors to society


Your donation investment will make a lasting impact in a child’s life, a child’s dream, and a child’s safety.

“Making communities safer by investing in proven research and evidence-based prevention techniques that cops teach to help kids avoid gangs and violence.”

Here at the G.R.E.A.T. Foundation, Inc. (GFI), we use our funds to support the overall mission and implementation of the GANG RESISTANCE EDUCATION AND TRAINING (G.R.E.A.T.) Program. We take pride in knowing that this support is a direct investment in providing preventive measures and education to our youth on the front end in order to produce quality and productive citizens on the back end.